Wooden Grip Screwdriver Set (6pcs)




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Phillips Screwdrivers (Wooden Grip)

No. Description
ND3P-1 No. 1 Screwdriver
ND3P-2 No. 2 Screwdriver
ND3P-3 No. 3 Screwdriver
ND3M-055 5.5 mm/0.8 mm Screwdriver
ND3M-06 6.3 mm/1.0 mm Screwdriver
ND3M-08 8 mm/1.2 mm Screwdriver

*Made in Japan


Beautiful and functional form; special magnetized tip shape for perfect fit with screws

Bolster corresponding to hard screw

・Taking into consideration how a Phillips screwdriver and a slotted screwdriver, KTC uses original steel of chromium vanadium of different hardness

・High-quality maple wood is used in the grip and the hexagonal shape is easy to grip with the warmth of the wooden material.


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