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Anatomy of nepros vol.1 -quick spinner-

Nepros is the ultimate tool that stimulates the sensibilities of professional mechanics. We will explain in detail the many functions packed into this masterpiece hand tool. In this first article, we will explain the "Quick Spinner," one of the most frequently used attachments.   Optimal outer diameter for quick turning...

nepros - Evolution of the ratchet handle –

Hello! We’re excited to share the evolution of the iconic nepros 3/8" square ratchet handle with you! Over the years, there have been many versions of ratchet handles, each one improved to shape the designs we use today.   I will share its history.   〇1995 - NBR3UN (early model)...

Movie from TOYOTA GAZOO Racing

Movie from TOYOTA GAZOO Racing   ☟New movie from TOYOTA GAZOO Racing☟ Getting ready for round four 🔧#ToyotaGAZOORacing #GRYaris #WRC #KTC @kyototool #Partners — TOYOTA GAZOO Racing WRT (@TGR_WRC) April 19, 2023     nepros tools support TOYOTA GAZOO racing WRT. Go for it !   Next:  Rally Italia Sardegna ...

New line up for 3/8”sq. ratchet handle NBR390A series, Tool sets, Tool case, and URUSHI ratchet handle

3/8”sq. ratchet handle NBR390A “friends” New line up for NBR390A ratchet handle series, long, flex, stubby.   ☟More information here☟ SKU: NTX8770BK  【】 - Master tool set (77 items) to experience the nepros!! Next Generation Tool Box (Part No. EKR-1004), with various colors (Red, Black, Silver, White). - Latching...